Men's and Women's Fellowships
Once a month, our men and women meet together to study God’s Word and intentionally invest in one another. We usually share a meal together too! Check out the church calendar for our next Men’s and Women’s Fellowship.
One to One Discipleship
One of the best ways to grow in Christ is through one to one discipleship. We highly encourage our members to be involved in a discipling relationship where they regularly meet with someone of the same gender to study a book of the Bible or Christian book, pray together, and encourage one another in the faith! If you’d like to be in a discipling relationship, reach out to one of our pastors or members!
Church Membership
We believe the best way to grow as a Christian is to become a member of a church. Committing yourself to a group of believers as we live out the "one anothers" will help us be more like Jesus! If you would like to begin the process of becoming a member, you can email derek@jenningscreek.org for more information!